Welcome to Singapore Travel Handbook, your ultimate guide for traveling in Singapore!
My name is Eva Natalia, and I’m the sole writer behind Singapore Travel Handbook.
I came to Singapore in 2005 as a student. After graduating from the university, I worked as an engineer for over 10 years before transitioning to be a full-time writer. As of 2024, I’ve been living in Singapore for 19 years now (and still counting).
My personal travel website trevallog.com, which I started in 2015, has helped hundreds of thousands of travelers plan their trip around Southeast Asia and Asia.
As someone who loves Singapore and has been living in Singapore for almost 2 decade, I decided to start this website, Singapore Travel Handbook, to help travelers planning a trip to Singapore, as well as help locals finding the best gems in this little red dot.
If you have questions about Singapore travel, join All About Singapore Travel FB group, I’ll be there to answer your questions!